WAEA REGIONSScroll Down to connect with your
WAEA ESD Regional Representative WAEA has nine regions that use the same boundaries as OSPI's Educational Service Districts (ESD). The WAEA regions are not however affiliated with the state education regions, but we do support the ESD Art Regional Art Shows and OSPI's State Art Show. WAEA's Regional Reps work to provide infomation, professional development, and networking oppertunities to art educators in their region. Being a part of your regional group is a wonderful way to stay connected and to get to know your fellow art educators in your area. |
WAEA Regional Data Map
What can you see? What do you think is happening? How do you know? What are some questions we need more data to answer? What are ways we can gather that data? You can help by leaving Comments on the Data Sheets that feed into this map located here. *click on Map to pop-out full screen for better view |